Dies Irae: Contemplation Particularly for Father Rosica and Prelates Who Would Deny Truth

michaelangelos last judgment

The Last Judgment by Michaelangelo

Today, the “Dies Irae” hymn has been coming to mind, as I contemplate the dastardly deed of Father Rosica in threatening to sue Vox Cantoris blog author Daniel Domet for exposing his blasphemous and heretical statements, the attempt by Cardinal Weurl, the man who gives Holy Communion to public heretics, to demean orthodox Catholics such as Cardinal Burke as “dissenters”, the denial of the Truth of the Gospels by Cardinal Kasper, and their fellow scandal-mongers such as Cardinal Marx and others who shall remain unnamed.  I also am contemplating my own end, despite my complete denunciation and repudiation of what these men propose for the proper life of Catholics, leading to the loss of salvation, potentially if not in fact, for the souls that pay them heed, although I have other sins which may be seen on that day as just as great as theirs.  I often think of the Pharisee who prayed that he was thankful he wasn’t an adulterer, etc. like others and the other who bowed his head and prayed, “Oh, Lord, have mercy on me a sinner.”  So, I don’t feel that my sins are less than theirs, but at least I know that I accepted the whole Truth and tried to have the Truth change me, and not have the Truth be changed to accommodate my sins, as these men do, not only for themselves but for others.  The road to Hell, said Saint John Chrysostum, is lined with the skulls of bishops and priests.  I see now why he said that.

Perhaps, though, the Dies Irae is something we all need to be reminded of, which is the ultimate result of our lives, and which will be what we all will face.  When we stand before Jesus, we all will fear what we have and have not done, we will not be able to deflect from our guilt onto the misguided and heretical, distorted and twisted “theologies” we chose to latch onto in order to allow us to pursue our own individually dear sins that we justified and refuse to amend.  And then we shall all plead for and hope for His real mercy, and will not be able to deny His justice.

All of us will be guilty as charged to some extent or other.  Some will be even more so for the scandal they caused to those who knew less than they did, who relied on those who had the education and duty to transmit the Faith but failed to do so on a grand scale.

As Saint Paul has told us, we are all to work out our salvation with fear and trembling.  This reminds us why.  It is Lent, and we need to contemplate this great Truth,  We need to do our penance, make good fasts, offer it up and strive to be better Christians.  And we ought to pray our thanksgiving for our hope to be saved and that we may be on that last day.  Even though we’re “better” than “them”!

Here you can listen to a very beautiful chant and where the English and Latin text is presented to follow along.

Here is the text from the website of Franciscan Archive:

Latin Text from the Graduale Romano Seraphico, Ordinis Fratrum Minorum, typis Societatis S. Joannis Evangelistae, Desclee & Socii, Paris, 1932, in the sequence for the Missa pro Defunctis, pp. 97*-100*. Latin Text from the Roman Breviary of 1975 [Liturgy of the Hours: According to the Roman Rite, Catholic Book Publishing Co., New York, 1975, vol. IV, pp. 2013-2015.

A Literal English Translation

by The Franciscan Archive

Dies irae, dies illa
Solvet saeclum in favilla,
Teste David cum Sibylla.
Dies irae, dies illa
solvet saeclum in favilla,
teste David cum Sibylla.
Day of wrath, day that
will dissolve the world into burning coals,
as David bore witness with the Sibyl.
Quantus tremor est futurus,
Quando iudex est venturus
Cuncta stricte discussurus!
Quantus tremor est futurus,
quando iudex est venturus
cuncta stricte discussurus!
How great a tremor is to be,
when the judge is to come
briskly shattering every (grave).
Tuba mirum spargens sonum
Per sepulcra regionum,
Coget omnes ante thronum.
Tuba mirum spargens sonum
per sepulcra regionum,
coget omnes ante thronum.
A trumpet sounding an astonishing sound
through the tombs of the region
drives all (men) before the throne.
Mors stupebit et natura,
Cum resurget creatura
Iudicanti responsura.
Mors stupebit et natura,
cum resurget creatura
iudicanti responsura.
Death will be stunned and (so) will Nature,
when arises (man) the creature
responding to the One judging.
Liber scriptus proferetur,
In quo totum continetur
Unde mundus iudicetur.
Liber scriptus proferetur,
in quo totum continetur
unde mundus iudicetur.
The written book will be brought forth,
in which the whole (record of evidence) is contained
whence the world is to be judged.
Iudex ergo cum sedebit,
Quiqquid latet apparebit:
Nil inultum remanebit.
Iudex ergo cum sedebit,
quicquid latet apparebit;
nil inultum remanebit.
Therefore when the Judge shall sit,
whatever lay hidden will appear;
nothing unavenged will remain.
O tu, Deus maiestatis,
alme candor Trinitatis,
nos coniunge cum beatis.
O Thou, God of Majesty,
nourishing brilliance of the Trinity,
join us with the Blessed.
Quid sum miser tunc dicturus?
Quem patronum rogaturus?
Cum vix iustus sit securus.
Quid sum miser tunc dicturus,
quem patronum rogaturus,
cum vix iustus sit securus?
What am I the wretch then to say?
what patron I to beseech?
when scarcely the just (man) be secure.
Rex tremendae maiestatis,
Qui salvandos salvas gratis,
Salva me, fons pietatis.
Rex tremendae maiestatis,
qui salvandos salvas gratis,
salva me, fons pietatis.
King of tremendous Majesty,
who saves those-to-be-saved free,
save me, Fount of piety.
Recordare, Iesu pie,
Quod sum causa tuae viae:
Ne me perdas illa die.
Recordare, Iesu pie,
quid sum causa tuae viae,
ne me perdas illa die.
Remember, faithful Jesus,
because I am the cause of your journey:
do not lose me on that day.
Quaerens me sedisti lassus:
redemisti crucem passus:
tantus labor non sit cassus.
Quaerens me sedisiti lassus,
redemisti crucem passus;
tantus labor non sit cassus.
Thou has sat down as one wearied seeking me,
Thou has redeemed (me) having suffered the Cross:
so much labor let it not be lost.
Iuste iudex ultionis,
donum fac remissionis,
ante diem rationis.
Iuste iudex ultionis,
donum fac remissionis
ante diem rationis.
Just judge of the avenging-punishment,
work the gift of the remission (of sins)
before the Day of the Reckoning.
Ingemisco, tamquam reus:
culpa rubet vultus meus:
supplicanti parce Deus.
Ingemisco tamquam reus,
culpa rubet vultus meus;
supplicanti parce Deus.
I groan, as the accused:
my face grows red from (my) fault:
spare (this) supplicant, O God.
O tu, Deus maiestatis,
alme candor Trinitatis,
nos coniunge cum beatis.
O Thou, God of Majesty,
nourishing brilliance of the Trinity,
join us with the Blessed.
Qui Mariam absolvisit
Et latronem exaudisti,
Mihi quoque spem dedisti.
Peccatricem qui solvisit
et latronem exaudisti,
mihi quoque spem dedisti.
Thou who forgave Mary [the sinful woman],
and favorably heard the (good) thief,
hast also given me hope.
Preces meae non sunt dignae:
Sed tu, bonus, fac benigne,
Ne perenni cremer igne.
Preces meae non sunt dignae,
sed tu, bonus, fac benigne
ne perenni cremer igne.
My prayers are not worthy,
but do Thou, Good (God), deal kindly
lest I burn in perennial fire.
Inter oves locum praesta,
Et ab haedis me sequestra,
Statuens in parte dextra.
Inter oves locum praesta
et ab haedis me sequestra,
statuens in parte dextra.
Among the sheep offer (me) a place
and from the goats sequester me,
placing (me) at (Thy) right hand.
Confutatis maledictis,
Flammis acribus addictis:
Voca me cum benedictis.
Confutatis maledictis,
flammis acribus addictis,
voca me cum benedictis.
After the accursed have been silenced,
given up to the bitter flames,
call me with the blest.
Oro supplex et acclinis,
Cor contritum quasi cinis:
Gere curam mei finis.
Oro supplex et acclinis,
cor contritum quasi cinis,
gere curam mei finis.
Kneeling and bowed down I pray,
My heart contrite as ashes:
Do Thou {, my End,} care for my end.
Lacrimosa dies illa,
Qua resurget ex favilla
Judicandus homo reus:
Huic ergo parce, Deus.
Lacrimosa dies illa,
qua resurget ex favilla
iudicandus homo reus:
huic ergo parce, Deus.
That sorrowful day,
on which will arise from the buring coals
Man accused to be judged:
therefore, O God, do Thou spare him.
Pie Jesu Domine,
dona eis requiem.
Faithful Lord Jesus,
grant them rest.
O tu, Deus maiestatis,
alme candor Trinitatis,
nos coniunge cum beatis. Amen.
O Thou, God of Majesty,
nourishing brilliance of the Trinity,
join us with the Blessed. Amen.
Posted in Adoration, Faith, Family, Life, Profaning the Eucharist or Trying To, The Bible, The Mass, The Point of The Blog, The Priesthood
4 comments on “Dies Irae: Contemplation Particularly for Father Rosica and Prelates Who Would Deny Truth
  1. stevephoenix says:

    This rather fits well with your recent comments regarding the disturbing revelation of a public funeral of a well-known GLBT and Planned Parenthood fundraiser and advocate in Houston diocese, with a public [Novus Ordo] “mass” at the Cathedral (you can see her obituary and photo at Legacy.com, where she is mouthing an impudent gesture—I guess you see the family supported her in her lifestyle—and now she is dead at age 47); or, the recent funeral of former NY Gov. Mario Cuomo with Cardinal Dolan in proud attendance; or of course, of Cardinal O’Malley at Sen. Ted Kennedy’s pompous rites.

    I have to add to these examples one which shocked me, the mind-boggling example of former Catholic U prof, Jacques Gres-Gayer (d. Dec, 2012), a unbelievably well-educated man in things Catholic, who was a foremost expert on Gregorian chant and its history (like Archbp. Rembert Weakland, ironically). Gres-Gayer, after leaving the priesthood in the 70’s, left the Catholic Church sometime later on to marry a man, becoming Episcopalian: yet at his death, a funeral mass at his family’s estate near Bziers was attended by none other than the Card. Archbishop of Paris, Armand Vingt-Trois, to “pay his respects”.

    All this is to mock death, one of the 4 Last Things, as well as our beliefs in Christ’s fundamental truths. Or, as you point out in the synoptic comparison of the “old” Dies Irae with the “New Breviary” version, we are apparently easily to become elevated to be one of the Blessed, right alongside the Trinity; we don’t even need to ask for mercy (“old”: Pie Jesus Domine, parce, Domine.).

    I have to slap my head to see if I am in a fitful trance, or is this really happening. Yes, all this is really happening.


    • steveesq says:

      Thanks for your thoughtful ad helpful comments. And, yes, it’s all really happening. But so are we and it’s comforting to know some of us still try to get it and keep the Faith.


  2. stevephoenix says:

    I should add: I am not against providing, in some cases, a muted private funeral for some persons, where there is evidence of a change-of-heart: but does it have to be a blatantly pompous occasion, with a cardinal in proud attendance (nb: DiNardo was not know to have attended the Benitez rites in Houston)? Really? So, God shall be mocked?


    • steveesq says:

      Me neither. My beef isn’t with those who privately struggled and sinned, and I always hope that they had an opportunity to make a last confession. It’s the publicly professed heretics that had scandalized others, maybe led others into mortal sin because of their public witness, maybe led others away from the Church, and who never made a public correction of their error being given a public and prominent funeral. These days, they are even canonized at the funeral, by prominent prelates and spread by the media, compounding the grave problem of further scandal.


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